Matterhorn Massage

Private massage therapists in Zermatt, Switzerland

Private massages at your Hotel, Chalet or Apartment.

We do our best to make sure you enjoy every day of your stay in Zermatt, free of pain or muscle tiredness.

Call, text, WhatsApp or email to book:

+41 77 485 80 37

Meet the Team

Mila Veldkamp

I’m Dutch Massage Therapist and Ski Instructor. I offer relaxing, sports & deep tissue massages to help you unwind. Book your massage to ease tension, restore energy and get you back outside!


Level 4 Sports Massage

Yin Yang Yoga Teacher

Level 2 Ski Instructor AADIDES

Patricio Salerno

Manual therapy has been part of my life for over 20 years. 

Helping muscle recovery is always my goal, as well as using deep tissue massage techniques to release tension accumulated after any activity.


Licentiate Degree in Physical Therapy

Postural Re-education Techniques

Ayurveda Massage Therapist

K-Tape Therapist

Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Swiss Brevet Federal Ski Instructor

60 minute massage: CHF 180

90 minute massage: CHF 220

Call, text, WhatsApp or email to book.